Acupressure for Autumn

Chi Ze (LU-5) 尺澤穴

Chi Ze clears heat from the Lungs and downbears rebellious Qi.

Since the main organ associated with the Autumn is the Lung, the hand Tai Yin Lung channel is the one we focus on this season. The Lung channel has 11 points and runs from the upper chest just next to the shoulders down to the end of the thumbs. An important point to stimulate during Autumn is Lung point number 5, Chi Ze (LU-5; 尺澤穴). Chi Ze is found in the bend of the elbow. To locate the point first find the biceps tendon by flexing the elbow – the biceps tendon is the main tendon that can be felt at the elbow bend while doing this. Chi Ze is found lateral to the tendon, that is to the outside of the tendon if the arm is down at the side palm facing forward. Press into this muscle area and find a tender spot, which will be the location of Chi Ze.


Chi Ze (LU-5)

Chi Ze clears heat from the Lungs and downbears rebellious Qi. This means Chi Ze treats conditions such as the common cold, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and fullness of the chest. It can also be used when there is sinus congestion such as with allergies. Aside from respiratory problems, Chi Ze is also used to treat pain and motor dysfunction of the arm. To stimulate, use the thumb to press deeply into the point until there is a heavy or numb sensation that moves slightly down the arm. Hold pressure for a count of 30 seconds and then release. Repeat several times throughout the day. 

Sara Kaufman