Hello Autumn


 Chinese medicine associates the weather pattern of dryness (zao 燥) with Autumn. Autumn is the time of diminishing rainfall and therefore diminished environmental moisture.  In addition, the average temperature is dropping so the disease evil of cold, while not yet the most prevalent, is beginning to increase its effect on our health. In terms of the body, the Lung and body surfaces (i.e., the skin and hair) are associated with Metal and Autumn. This time of year the Lungs and body surface’s fluids can be damaged, as they are easily affected by environmental dryness and cold.

Autumn is the beginning of cold and flu season. These upper respiratory tract infections are some of the most common illnesses that people regularly contract and are caused by several different viruses that inflame mucous membranes of the nose, throat and Lungs. One of the reasons colds are more prevalent starting in Autumn is that people spend more time indoors around others. Since the weather is cold, we are less likely to have open windows, so viruses are more easily passed between people. Aside from that, many cold and flu viruses thrive in dryer conditions, such as dryer mucous membranes in the sinuses. As Autumn is the season of dryness, it is no surprise that cold and flu season usually starts then.

One of the basic methods of staying healthy in Autumn is to gently moisten the Lungs and the body surface, including the mucous membranes of the sinuses and throat. This can be accomplished through simple diet modifications as well as using herbal teas. Another important way to stay healthy during cold and flu season is to be sure to wash hands frequently. Better than any drug or supplement, hand washing is one of the single greatest deterrents to the spread of disease.


“The lungs being the roots of the body’s qi, dominate qi. They store Po/courage. They manifest their abundance in the body hair, and their function is to maintain the fullness and suppleness of the skin. The lungs are the highest organ in the body, and their element is metal. They are considered the taiyin within the yang and correspond to Autumn energy.” 

-Nei Jing Su Wen

In Chinese medicine the Lung is paired with the Large Intestine. Some common symptoms of Autumn dryness we see are, for example, dry lips, dry skin, allergic symptoms like dry and itchy eyes, and low grade dry coughs. Dryness also impairs moisture of the intestines and can lead to constipation. While constipation in and of itself is a common condition and most people don’t take it very seriously, it can lead to many other problems down the line. Chinese medicine has the concept of the “Three Openings (san tong 三通),” three things that have to be kept open and moving for good health. These Three Openings are keeping the mind open (通腦), keeping the bowels and urine open (通小便,通大便), and keeping the channels and vessels open (通經脈,通血脈).  

Sara Kaufman